Zero net emissions

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What are Zero Net Emissions?

Zero net emissions refer to the objective of reducing pollution from industrial processes. The idea is to offset them in the atmosphere thanks to recycling or carbon sequestration. During the last century, the temperature of the Earth has increased more than 1 ° C. due to the overuse of fossil fuels such as oil or coal.

In 2015, the Paris Climate Agreement was put in place. 55 countries represent 55% of total emissions, establishing the necessary goals to reduce the temperature by 1.5 ° C during this century. These measures are aimed at reducing the consequences of climate change.

Agreement measures

  • Emission reduction.
  • Reach maximum allowable emissions as soon as possible and then quickly decrease them to achieve carbon neutrality.
  • Country commitments.
  • 195 countries commit to fighting against climate change. The agreement will enter into force in 2020 and will be reviewed every 5 years to increase drafting levels.
  • Transparency.
  • They undertake to report on their emissions and their contributions and investments of this nature.
  • Market Mechanism.
  • They will be able to buy and sell emissions and set the price of carbon to incentivize emission reductions.
  • Financial commitment.
  • Rich countries must help developing countries by financing at least $ 100 billion annually.
  • Irrecoverable damages.
  • Recognition of the need for support measures in the event of irrecoverable losses, although without specifying the compensation.
  • Legal form and compliance.
  • The Agreement is binding and national targets for reduction will be set by each of them.

Current situation

By the end of 2020, only 9 G20 countries had submitted their NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions). It’s about their strategies for climate action. They committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions including mitigation, adaptation, and implementation actions to achieve this. They must renew it every 5 years with increasingly ambitious goals.

In addition, the three countries that pollute the most, China, the United States, and India did not even present it. In April 2021, at the Climate Summit in the US, the EU presented its binding plan to reduce its emissions by 55% until 2030. The US presented its objectives, among which the reduction of CO2 emissions between 50-52 stands out % compared to 2005 by 2030.


Source: WRI, figures are approximated


Let’s talk about gases …

Carbon dioxide CO2

In general, it is often referred to as carbon emissions in the atmosphere. This is because they represent 75% of the total greenhouse effect emissions. Most of them come from the transport sector and the production of electricity.

CH4 methane gas

They constitute 17% of total greenhouse gases. Even though this gas has a much shorter useful life than carbon dioxide, it traps radiation more efficiently. This means that in the last 100 years, it has contributed to global warming, 28 times more than CO2. Pigs and cows are the main emitters of this gas when digesting. Its manure also produced it by decomposing, as well as burning trees and grasses to clear the land for agriculture.

Even this gas represents 23% of global warming so far.

CFC chlorofluorocarbon gases

They represent 2% and come mainly from refrigeration and air conditioning.

Specific actions of companies

EU, Climate Ambition Accelerator is a program to achieve net-zero emissions. It has more than 500 companies from 26 countries. The goal is to halve global emissions by 2030 and reach zero net emissions by 2050. The program lasts 6 months. During this time, companies can participate in capacity-building sessions, improve their practices, and learn from peers. They also can dialogue with experts in international events.

What is the carbon footprint?

The carbon footprint is the impact that a person, a family, or a company has on the environment. It is calculated based on the greenhouse gases that we produce and is measured in the amount of CO2.

In this way, the impact can be measured and measures are taken to reduce it.

Common practices to offset the carbon footprint in companies:

  • Tree planting in deforested areas.
  • Installation of photovoltaic plants.
  • Implement a more sustainable production thanks to new materials such as recycled materials and machinery that pollute and consume less energy.
  • Registration in official carbon footprint registers.
    Create a space.

CO2 compensation thanks to tree planting

We are aware of the responsibility we have to bear towards the planet and this year we have offset more than 264,000 kg of CO2 by reforesting the Amazon, this great lung of the planet.

Our commitment is to increase this amount of CO2 year after year to increase our commitment and responsibility.

Shopping Basket’s 100% recycled product line

We know that there is a need to work with recycled raw materials that contribute to a more sustainable world. That is the reason why Shopping Basket already has a line of post-consumer recycled baskets and carts with a minimum of 95% recycled material taken from plastic containers from the street.

Additionally, all of our black products are made from 100% recycled material, replacing our standard black made from virgin polypropylene.


How is the carbon footprint calculated?

To calculate it, it is necessary to know the exact data that directly and indirectly influence business activities. Electricity, transport consumption, raw materials, packaging, waste management, etc. are just a few. The footprint is measured in tons of CO2. The result obtained will be the amount to compensate for the common practices that we explained above.

Range 1 + 2 Calculator

This calculator considers direct emissions from companies or individuals. They account for emissions from fuels from buildings or factories, gases from refrigeration equipment, as well as indirect ones such as electricity. The results make it possible to draw up a plan to reduce these emissions or to buy them with previous years.

Range 3 Calculator

This calculator allows you to estimate the emissions associated with indirect emissions such as business trips, cleaning, safety, etc.

An uncertain but hopeful future at the same time?

Many initiatives are being implemented throughout the planet. Governments and some international organizations are pushing to reduce the amount of CO2 that is released into the atmosphere every day. It is known to all that the Earth is getting warmer, and in large part, it is due to manufacturing, transportation, refrigeration, agriculture, etc. that until now have not taken into account its harmful effects. However, it seems that this is the beginning of a more sustainable mindset.

In addition, there are more and more lines of recycled products, made with plastics taken from plastic containers on the street. Private companies are making an effort to adapt their production and promote green lines of their products.



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