co-friendly alternative to one-use plastic bags.
Traditionally, plastic bags have been given free to customers by stores when purchasing goods. This way of transportation has always been considered resistant, cheap, and hygienic. However, it is beyond doubt that plastic bags aren’t eco-friendly and have a negative impact. Around 8 tonnes of plastic make their way into the ocean each year. This amount of plastic is threatening the environment and poisoning the food and animals that we humans consume.
Fortunately, there is a rising awareness of the plastic bag hazards, and governments all over the world are taking action to reduce its usage. Charging customers for lightweight bags or generating taxes from the stores that sell them are a few examples of reducing the use of non-eco-friendly bags. In England, for instance, the government has imposed a 5p charge, having the number of single-use bags dropped from 7 billion to 500 million in the first six months. This reduction means an 85% decrease. Some countries have even imposed a total ban on the bags, such as Bangladesh, Rwanda, China, Taiwan, and Macedonia.
Considering the gap that such a ban is creating, alternatives have to be offered immediately, as customers will still need to carry their shopping or goods. This is why Shopping Basket has designed a range of baskets with an equivalent usage to plastic bags.
We are talking about Market (30L), Kanguro (27L), Fama (15L) and Sweet (10L), and a folding cart called PRACTIK. These baskets will become a practical, durable, elegant, and ecological alternative for your customers. These baskets are available in any color and are suitable to be sold at any type of store.
Small supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores or greengrocers
This kind of store is putting the baskets near the check-out. The customer goes for a basket before seeing themselves paying a tax for a non-reusable bag, or carrying the goods home as no bags are provided anymore. The baskets we recommend are Market and Kanguro. Their capacity is perfect for the quantities often purchased at this kind of store.
Home decor stores and department stores
They are offering these baskets for home or personal use. Customers could use them to go to the market, to go picnic, or to take it to the beach. Other uses could be to carry books to the library. Taking paper, plastic, or glass recipients out or taking the clothes to the laundry, for instance, are other uses for this kind of bag.
Gardening and DIY stores
Gardening and DIY Stores may also offer baskets such as Market, Kanguro, or Sweet. Clients could use them to transport tools and seeds or to collect the veggies from the garden.
Offering plastic baskets at your store for self-use not only gives your customers a new option for transportation, but they will also mean a new income for your business.